Queen Black Dragon
The Queen Black Dragon (or QBD) is a very powerful dragon slumbering at the bottom of the Grotworm Lair.
Suggested Skills
80 or higher
85 or higher
75 or higher
99 for Steel Titan Pouches
43+ (92/95 Highly recommended for
Soul Split &
Auras & Relics
Gear and Inventory setup
- If you have a Black dragon slayer task
50+ Steel titan scrolls
1-2 Overload flasks
1-2 Prayer renewal flasks
12-16 Saradomin brew flasks
4-8 Super restore flasks
The fighting area consists of a platform 19 squares from west to east. The Queen Black Dragon's head can be attacked at the north of the arena.
The Queen Black Dragon fight takes place over four phases. She has 25,000 health in each phase; giving a total of 100,000 health. You will need to activate artefacts within the arena to progress. At start of the second, third, and fourth phases a magical platform is added to the arena, allowing the player to reach to the next appropriate artefact. Standing on one of these platforms for too long at once deals 1500 typeless damage every few seconds until the player returns to the original platform
Until the correct artefact has been activated, the Queen Black Dragon will continually spit out aggressive level 72 giant worms into the arena. Up to 11 worms may be present at any given time; if the player still has not activated the artefact after the maximum number of worms has been spawned, they receive the message "The power of the unprotected artefact leaks out and damages you!" the player begins receiving constant hard typeless hits of 2000 from the artefact until it is activated.
The Queen Black Dragon possesses two auto-attacks; a simple melee and ranged attack. The melee attack is only used when the player is within 5 spaces of her (two tiles north from the platform artefact); she simply lunges at the player to bite them. The ranged attack is used when the player is out of her melee attack range, in which she simply sweeps her head across the arena. This attack is generally stronger than her melee attack.
In addition to her auto-attacks the Queen Black Dragon will attack using standard dragonfire (with a ten second cooldown on her using this attack). This attack will hit over 1500 without any dragonfire protection; however it is reduced to the low 400s with full antifire protection.
From phase one onwards the Queen Black Dragon can use a fire wall attack. When she is about to use the attack a message saying "The Queen Black Dragon takes a huge breath." appears in the chatbox. A few seconds later, a fire wall will appear at the northern edge of the fighting area, moving south towards you.
There is always a gap in the wall: move to stand in the gap to avoid being damaged. There are three possible walls:
- Possibility 1 has the gap on the 5th square.
- Possibility 2 has the gap on the 9th square (one square to the left of the centre artefact).
- Possibility 3 has the gap on the 15th square (the 5th from the right).
If you do not move in time you will be dealt damage for every game tick of contact that you have with the flame wall. This works out to two hits per wall. 7 damage is dealt per hit if you are using super antifires, 18 damage is dealt while using regular antifires, or 25 damage without any dragonfire protection.
In phases 2 and 3, an additional fire wave is launched right after the previous wave, for a total of 2 and 3 consecutive fire walls on these phases. These additional fire walls will have gaps in different places; the Queen Black Dragon will not repeat a fire wall with the same gap until the other two options have been exhausted.
It is possible to avoid the flame walls without running through the gaps. To do so, the player must stand still until the flame wall is one square north of them, and then click to run straight through the fire. If done properly, the player will take no damage. Be aware that lag can cause desyncs and result in the player getting hit once.From the second phase onwards the Queen Black Dragon can summon Tortured souls. Before the attack is used a message will appear in the chatbox saying "The Queen Black Dragon summons one/several of her captured souls." During phase two one soul is spawned; during phase three two souls are spawned and during phase four four souls are spawned. The souls are level 93 and attack with melee. They are aggressive. One tick after spawning, the soul will say some dialogue, and release a chaotic cloud which chases after the player unless it hits a soul, worm, or the player, dealing at least 1050 hard typeless damage on whatever it comes in contact with (up to 1500 on players). The cloud lasts for a very long time if the player tries to avoid it. If the soul that summoned that cloud is killed, it will immediately dissipate.
- Phase two: one soul will spawn one square west of the player. Run to the square directly behind the soul. The cloud will spawn on the other side and hit it.
- Phase three: two souls will spawn, one on each side of the player. Same as with one soul, run to the square behind either one of the souls. Both clouds will hit it.
- Phase four: four souls will spawn, each soul on a different square one tile diagonally away from the player. You should run diagonally across one of the souls. If done correctly two, three or all four clouds will hit the soul, although this generally varies on the amount of damage the cloud deals.
Not only do the souls fight for the Queen Black Dragon, but they can also heal her during phases 3 and 4. If souls spawn and are not killed the boss will siphon health off of them with 200% efficiency: 100 health is taken off each soul every tick and given to the her for 200 (a maximum of 4000 life points healed from each soul). The text "The Queen Black Dragon starts to siphon the energy of her mages." appears preceding this. It is generally a good idea to kill them after dealing with their chaotic clouds on phases 3 and 4. Higher level players may wish to ignore them and continue attacking the Queen Black Dragon if on the final phase or if she uses her crystal skin or carapace as you should deal more damage than she is able to heal from the souls.
If a soul is using the "Time Stop" ability when this occurs, their life points will not be drained.On phases 3 and 4 the QBD can enter a "crystal form" or "hardened carapace" form. When she is in the crystal form, all magic damage dealt to her is reduced by 25% but she takes 25% more damage from melee and ranged attacks. The player is notified of this change in the chatbox with the message "The Queen Black Dragon takes on the consistency of crystal; she is more resistant to magic, but weaker to physical damage." This state wears off in one minute, regardless if the phase is completed or not. When the Queen Black Dragon hardens her carapace all melee and ranged damage dealt to her is reduced by 25% but she takes 25% more damage from magic attacks. The player is notified of this change in the chatbox with the message Template:RSFont This state wears off in one minute, regardless if the phase is completed or not.
During the final phase the Queen Black Dragon will use an extreme dragon breath attack. The text "The Queen Black Dragon gathers her strength to breathe extremely hot flames." appears in the player's chatbox seconds prior to the move. The damage dealt by the attack depends on how far you are from the Queen Black Dragon's head. Standing in the middle (the first artefact) and the two columns of tiles on either side of the actual platform will deal increased damage; standing on the sides of both platforms, or in the middle at the water platform will deal less damage.
During phase 4, the Queen Black Dragon may also forcibly teleport any tortured soul to the edges of the actual platform, shouting "Kill me mortal...quickly! HURRY! BEFORE THE SPELL IS COMPLETE!" The soul will shout: "Time is short!" "She is pouring her energy into me...hurry!" and "The spell is nearly complete!"
Kill the tortured soul to avoid the time stop spell being used. If the soul is not killed before the dialogue finishes, around ten seconds after the initial dialogue from the Queen Black Dragon, then a haze appears over your screen, freezing the whole arena except for the Queen Black Dragon and the soul which used the ability. You cannot move, eat or teleport until the time stop ends. The Queen Black Dragon will use all attacks at her disposal during that time, and when the ability ends the player will take all the damage in one tick, meaning that it is easy to die from this attack if not prepared.
The soul affected by the spell will not join other souls in performing the chaotic cloud attack, nor will the Queen Black Dragon siphon health from them. If a soul uses this just as the phase ends, incoming grotworms will not be affected by the freeze. Platform damage is also halted if the player is standing on the magical platform when the attack was cast.