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Cerberus icon.png Cerberus is a level 318 hellhound boss that is located in her lair, deep beneath the Taverley Dungeon in the cave entrance in the north-east part of the hellhound area which is found beyond the poisonous spiders. Cerberus requires a Slayer level of 91, along with a task of hellhounds or Cerberus herself.



Slayer 91 Slayer
Must have hellhound or Cerberus task to kill the boss.

Suggested Stats

  • Attack 85+ Attack
  • Strength 70+ Strength (85+ recommended)
  • Defence 85+ Defence
  • Ranged 75+ Ranged
  • Prayer 70+ Prayer (92+ soulsplit)

Auras, Relics and Pet perks

Silver Divinity.png
Divinity (Silver) Your prayer points drain 10% slower.
Silver Overclocked.png
Overclocked (Silver) Aura cooldown is reduced by 20% and auras last 10% longer.
Gold StringOfLuck.png
String of Luck (Gold) Offers a 10% luck boost (excludes raids).
Gold StrokeOfLuck.png
Stroke of Luck (Gold) Offers a 10% chance to double monster drop loot.
Gold CatchEmAll.png
Catch em All (Gold) Offers 50% higher drop rate on all pets. (if pet hunting)
Gold FluidStrikes.png
Fluid Strikes (Gold) Attack speed of melee weapons are halved. Melee attacks deal 10% more damage and have 25% more accuracy.
Gold QuickShot.png
Quick Shot (Gold) Attack speed of ranged weapons are halved. Ranged attacks deal 10% more damage and have 100% accuracy while saving 90% of ammunition (if using range)
Master reverence aura.png Master Reverence - Slows down prayer drain and increases prayer restoration from potions by 7%.
Vampyrism aura.png Vampyrism - Gain life points equal to 5% of any damage you deal.
Penance aura.png Penance - Gain prayer points equal to 5% of any damage you receive.

Attack Melee Pet perks

Split soul (T3).png Split soul - Soulsplit deals damage to target instead of healing for every hit. (33/66/100% chance)
Demon slayer (T3).png Demon slayer - Additional 3/5/7% damage towards demons.
Dharok's Memento (T3).png Dharok's Memento - 0.1/0.2/0.3% bonus damage per 1% hp missing (up to 98%).

Ranged Range Pet perks

Split soul (T3).png Split soul - Soulsplit deals damage to target instead of healing for every hit. (33/66/100% chance)
Anguish (T3).png Anguish - Turmoil curse becomes Anguish, boosting range by 10/15/25% + 15% enemy level.
Dharok's Memento (T3).png Dharok's Memento - 0.1/0.2/0.3% bonus damage per 1% hp missing (up to 98%).

Gear and inventory setup

Overload flask (6).webp 1-2 Overload flasks
Prayer renewal flask (6).png 1-2 Prayer renewal flasks
Saradomin brew flask (6).png 12-16 Saradomin brew flasks
Super restore flask (6).png 4-8 Super restore flasks

Fighting Cerberus

There are two main attacks you need to look out for.

Lava pools

This attack is initiated when Cerberus reaches below 200 health, her howling Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr and is used every fifth attack.
Three lava pools are deployed when this attack is initiated – one on the player's location, and two at random parts of the area.
The pools have a 3x3 AoE (1 tile from the centre).

  • Standing in its radius when it is spawned deals 10 damage.
  • Standing directly on a pool deals 15 damage every two ticks.
  • Standing adjacent to a pool deals 7 damage every two ticks.

The pool targeted at the player is not instant at a distance, but is for those in melee distance. After a few seconds, the lava pools will dissipate, making the tile safe to stand on once more.

Summoned souls

This attack only starts when Cerberus falls below 400 health, and is used every seventh attack.
This attack is indicated with her howling Aaarrrooooooo, causing three Summoned Souls to appear from behind the archaic skull. They cannot be harmed.
Each one attacks using a different combat style, from west to east:

The Three Souls
The Blue (magic) Soul
The Green (ranged) Soul
The Red (melee) Soul
54px-Summoned Soul (magic).png
59px-Summoned Soul (ranged).png
64px-Summoned Soul (melee).webp

The souls attack once each time they are called in by Cerberus. The souls come in a randomized order so it is important to identify the order to pray in. If the attack is not protected against, it will deal 30 damage, unless otherwise from an elysian spirit shield, which reduces it to 22 damage. If the attack is protected against, it will drain 30 prayer points instead. A spectral spirit shield causes this to be reduced by 50%, meaning 15 prayer points are reduced for each attack. Having the required prayer to block the attack is not required - the attack is still blocked with insufficient prayer points, but the player's prayer will be drained completely as a result. In order to block the attack, it must be prayed against before the spirit attacks.