Difference between revisions of "Neitiznot faceguard"

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(Created page with "{{Infobox Item | name = Neitiznot faceguard | image = 32x32px | type = Helmet | slot = Head | attack_stab = 0 | attack_slash = 0 | attack_crush = 0 | attack_magic = 0 | attack_ranged = 0 | defence_stab = 36 | defence_slash = 34 | defence_crush = 38 | defence_magic = 3 | defence_ranged = 34 | strength = 6 | ranged_strength = 0 | magic_damage = 0 | prayer = 3 }} The Neitiznot Faceguar...")
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The Neitiznot Faceguard is created by combining a Helm of Neitiznot with a Basilisk jaw. The jaw can be obtained as a rare drop from Basilisk knights.
The Neitiznot Faceguard is created by combining a Helm of Neitiznot with a Basilisk jaw. The jaw can be obtained as a rare drop from Basilisk knights. The drop rate is more common while on a Basilisk Slayer Task.

Revision as of 08:52, 5 March 2025

Neitiznot faceguard
Neitiznot faceguard.png
Type Helmet
Slot Head
Attack Bonuses
Stab 0
Slash 0
Crush 0
Magic 0
Ranged 0
Defence Bonuses
Stab 36
Slash 34
Crush 38
Magic 3
Ranged 34
Other Bonuses
Strength 6
Ranged Strength 0
Magic Damage 0%
Prayer 3

The Neitiznot Faceguard is created by combining a Helm of Neitiznot with a Basilisk jaw. The jaw can be obtained as a rare drop from Basilisk knights. The drop rate is more common while on a Basilisk Slayer Task.