Brimstone chest

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Revision as of 08:14, 8 March 2022 by Rainbow (talk | contribs) (Updating Table Quantities)
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Item Name Quantity Weight
Uncut diamond detail.png Uncut Diamond 50-100 1
Uncut ruby detail.png Uncut Ruby 50-100 1
Iron ore detail.png Iron Ore 500-750 1
Iron bar detail.png Iron Bar 250-500 1
Coins detail.png Coins 150,000-300,000 1
Gold ore detail.png Gold Ore 250-500 1
Steel bar detail.png Steel Bar 500-750 1
Dragon arrowtips detail.png Dragon Arrowtips 250-500 1
Dragon dart tip detail.png Dragon Dart Tips 250-500 1
Raw monkfish detail.png Raw Monkfish 250-300 1
800px-Raw shark detail.png Raw Shark 200-250 1
Palm tree seed detail.png Palm Tree Seed 3-5 1
Yew seed detail.png Yew Tree Seed 3-5 1
Snape grass detail.png Snape Grass 50-100 1
Whiteberry seed detail.png Whiteberry Seed 10-25 1

Item Name Quantity Weight
Runite bar detail.png Rune Bar 50-100 1
Magic logs detail animated.gif Magic Logs 100-250 1
Adamantite bar detail.png Adamant Bar 100-250 1
Water orb detail.png Water Orb 100-250 1
Goat horn dust detail.png Goat Horn Dust 100-250 1
Red spiders' eggs detail.png Red Spider Eggs 100-250 1
Dragonfruit tree seed detail.png Dragonfruit Tree Seeds 3-5 1
Redwood tree seed detail.png Redwood Tree Seeds 3-5 1
Snape grass seed detail.png Snape Grass Seeds 10-25 1
Herb seed detail.png Torstol Seeds 5-15 1
Herb seed detail.png Snapdragon Seeds 5-15 1
Herb seed detail.png Ranarr Seeds 5-15 1
Pure essence detail.png Pure Essence 7,500-10,000 1
Magic roots detail.png Magic Roots 75-150 1
Potato cactus detail.png Potato Cactus 75-150 1
Mort myre fungus detail.png Mort Myre Fungus 75-150 1
Wine of zamorak detail.png Wine of Zamorak 75-150 1

Item Name Quantity Weight
Superior dragon bones detail.png Superior Dragon Bones 50-100 1
Overload (4) detail.png Overload (4) 10-10 1
Super restore(4) detail.png Super Restore (4) 25-50 1
Saradomin brew(4) detail.png Saradomin Brew (4) 25-50 1
Redwood logs detail.png Redwood Logs 100-200 1
Mystic hat (dusk) detail.png Mystic Hat (Dusk) 1 1
Mystic robe top (dusk) detail.png Mystic Robe Top (Dusk) 1 1
Mystic robe bottom (dusk) detail.png Mystic Robe Bottom (Dusk) 1 1
Mystic gloves (dusk) detail.png Mystic Gloves (Dusk) 1 1
Mystic boots (dusk) detail.png Mystic Boots (Dusk) 1 1

Item Name Quantity Weight
Uncut onyx detail.png Uncut Onyx 1 1
Dragon hasta detail.png Dragon Hasta 1 1
Brimstone key 20.png Brimstone Keys 25 1