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Summoning is a skill that focuses on summoning familiars from the Spirit Plane by creating and using summoning pouches. Each familiar has a unique ability that requires a Summoning scroll, made from a corresponding pouch, to use. Familiars have a wide variety of uses, from fighting in combat to carrying items to providing invisible boosts to other skills.

Similar to Prayer, Summoning requires points to summon familiars and utilise their abilities. Summoning points are drained when Familiars are summoned. Summoning points are typically recharged by interacting with large or small obelisks. Alternatively, Summoning points may be restored through the use of Summoning potions or Super Restore Potions.

How to train

The crux of Summoning lies within two areas:

  • The creation of Summoning pouches, which are imbued with the essence of familiars from the Spirit Plane.
  • The creation of scrolls that enable the unique special abilities of each familiar.
Item Description
An empty pouch is one of the required base items for each Summoning pouch; all other required ingredients are placed inside the pouch. Pouches may be purchased from Summoning shops, and may also be obtaining by catching Spirit Implings (54 Hunter).
Spirit shards
Spirit shards
Spirit shards (shards) are required ingredients in each Summoning pouch. Depending on the pouch being created, anywhere from 1 to 222 shards may be required per pouch. Thus, spirit shards are an integral item to keep on-hand when training the skill.
Charms are required ingredients in each Summoning pouch. The type of charm required varies depending on the type of pouch being created, but one (1) charm is always required. Charms are not tradeable items, and can only be obtained from NPC's as monster drops or otherwise.
Tertiary Summoning ingredients are the deciding ingredient as to which pouch will be made. Because of this, there are many possible tertiary Summoning ingredients. Many of these tertiary ingredients are difficult or dangerous to obtain, rare drops, and/or non-tradeable with other players. Furthermore, some pouches require two tertiary ingredients.


The creation of Summoning pouches is the main method of gaining experience in the Summoning skill, and are used to summon familiars. The creation of a pouch is relatively simple: it is created by infusing the appropriate items at an obelisk, and can then be used to summon a familiar. Summoning pouches are destroyed when used to summon familiars, and are not restored to the player when the familiar departs.


Summoning scrolls are required to perform a familiar's special move. The special moves the scrolls can perform vary widely and are tied to the familiar. You must have the familiar summoned that the scrolls are tied to in order to use them. Using a scroll does not use any summoning points. Instead, it uses Summoning spell points. Players must have enough points on the spell point bar to perform the action.

Scrolls are created by converting charged familiar pouches into scrolls at an obelisk. One pouch can be converted into 10 scrolls that are tied to the familiar the pouch was fused with.


Familiars are creatures that players may summon in order to help them with various tasks. The familiars have many different abilities, from boosting skills to aiding you in combat. All familiars have a special move which can be activated with Summoning scrolls. Only one familiar can be summoned at a time, and must be dismissed before another can be summoned.

In order to summon a familiar, players must use the "Summon" option on a Summoning pouch. Summoning familiars costs summoning points (similar again to Prayer points). While a familiar is out, summoning points will be slowly drained until they reach 0, again similar to prayer. The familiar does not disappear when the points reach 0, but any right-click abilities will be unavailable until the summoning points are recharged. Summoning points must be recharged at an obelisk or a small obelisk, by using Summoning potions or Super restore potions, or with the Ardougne cloak 4 when a familiar is present.