Slayer Resource Crate

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Slayer Resource Crate.png

Slayer resource crates are obtained from killing monsters while on a Slayer task. They can be opened and contain a variety of items like coins, potions, skilling supplies, and the Vecna Skull. Any monster killed while on a Slayer task has a 1/128 chance of dropping a slayer resource crate, or a 1/64 chance if you have a Ring of Wealth/Ring of Wealth (i) equipped.

Item Name Quantity Rarity
Coins detail.png Coins 500,000-750,000 1/9.3
Uncut diamond detail.png Teak logs 150 1/29.8
Uncut ruby detail.png Mithril bar 50-75 1/29.8
Iron ore detail.png Big bones 100-150 1/29.8
Iron bar detail.png Baby dragon bones 50-100 1/29.8
Gold ore detail.png Cooked shark 75-150 1/29.8
Steel bar detail.png Cooked monkfish 100-250 1/29.8
Dragon arrowtips detail.png Super restore 10-20 1/29.8
Dragon dart tip detail.png Saradomin brew 10-20 1/29.8
Raw monkfish detail.png Extreme attack 5-10 1/29.8
Raw monkfish detail.png Extreme strength 5-10 1/29.8
Raw monkfish detail.png Extreme defence 5-10 1/29.8
Raw monkfish detail.png Extreme magic 5-10 1/29.8
Raw monkfish detail.png Extreme ranging 5-10 1/29.8

Item Name Quantity Rarity
Runite bar detail.png Coins 750,000-1,250,000 1/17,5
Magic logs detail animated.gif Larran's key 1-2 1/52.4
Adamantite bar detail.png Brimstone key 2-3 1/52.4
Water orb detail.png Crystal key 2-3 1/26.2
Goat horn dust detail.png Spin ticket 2-3 1/52.4
Red spiders' eggs detail.png Dragon bones 35-50 1/26.2
Dragonfruit tree seed detail.png Frost dragon bones 15-25 1/26.2
Redwood tree seed detail.png Mahogany logs 100 1/26.2
Snape grass seed detail.png Adamant bar 25-35 1/26.2
Herb seed detail.png Mystic hat 4-6 1/52.4
Herb seed detail.png Mystic robe top 4-6 1/52.4
Herb seed detail.png Mystic robe bottom 4-6 1/52.4
Pure essence detail.png Rune full helm 7,500-10,000 1/52.4
Magic roots detail.png Rune platebody 75-150 1/52.4
Potato cactus detail.png Rune platelegs 75-150 1/52.4

Item Name Quantity Rarity
Superior dragon bones detail.png Vecna's skull 1 1/133
Overload (4) detail.png Imbued heart 1 1/400