
From Zeah RSPS - Wiki
Revision as of 20:53, 20 October 2022 by Soulgazer (talk | contribs)
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RingOfKinship Large.png

Dungeoneering, shortened as "DG", is a unique skill/minigame in which players "solve puzzles, unlock doors, fight monsters, and use other RuneScape skills".
DG is, without a doubt, the most complex of the 25 skills available on Zeah and can seem overwhelming, especially to newcomers.
As such, this wiki page is optimized to get you going ASAP!

Wiki Sections:

    "DG Guide Video" — this is a 10-minute video geared towards introducing the major concepts.
    "Video Follow-Up" — this section serves to reinforce concepts quickly explained or missed within the video.

DG Guide Video

-- Uploading to YouTube, currently. Video goes here. --

Here is an alternative link to the file within Gdocs, should YT embed fail:

Video Follow-Up

This section will reinforce ideas presented in the video, above.