Zamorakian hasta

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Zamorakian Hasta
Zamorakian hasta.png
Type Weapon
Slot Two-handed
Attack Bonuses
Stab +85
Slash +65
Crush +65
Magic 0
Ranged 0
Defence Bonuses
Stab +13
Slash +13
Crush +12
Magic 0
Ranged +13
Other Bonuses
Strength +75
Ranged Strength 0
Magic Damage 0%
Prayer +2

The Zamorakian Hasta is a powerful stab focused weapon and can be obtained by taking a Zamorak Spear to Otto Godblessed at the Barbarian Fishing spot. This costs 300,000 coins.

It can be further upgraded into the Dragon Hunter Lance by using a Hydra's claw on it.

Special Attack

The Zamorakian hasta shares the “Shove” special attack with the Zamorakian spear and dragon spear. This attack pushes the opponent back and stuns them for three seconds, consuming 25% of the player’s special attack energy.