Elven Crystal Chest
Possible Loot
Every potential reward within a rarity tier is weighted equally. The rates of rolling each rarity are as follows:
- Common - 62.1%
- Uncommon - 27.2%
- Rare - 9.09%
- Very Rare - 1.51%
Please note that these percentages have been rounded up, e.g. 27.2% could be 27.2727272727272%
Every time you open the crystal chest, you also have a 1/750 chance of receiving the Krystal pet. This is rolled independent of your regular loot roll.
Item Name | Quantity | Rarity | |
Coins | 500,000-750,000 | 1/35.4 | |
Crystal shard | 5-10 | 1/35.4 | |
Cannonballs | 1,000-2,000 | 1/35.4 | |
Cosmic rune | 250-500 | 1/35.4 | |
Nature rune | 250-500 | 1/35.4 | |
Chaos rune | 250-500 | 1/35.4 | |
Rune platelegs | 25-50 | 1/35.4 | |
Battlestaff | 25-50 | 1/35.4 | |
Water orb | 50 | 1/35.4 | |
Earth orb | 50 | 1/35.4 | |
Blue dragonhide | 40-50 | 1/35.4 | |
Red dragonhide | 40-50 | 1/35.4 | |
Adamant bar | 40-50 | 1/35.4 | |
Adamantite ore | 40-50 | 1/35.4 | |
Uncut ruby | 40-50 | 1/35.4 | |
Yew seed 5 | 2-3 | 1/35.4 | |
Teak plank | 250 | 1/35.4 | |
Divine super attack potion(4) | 10 | 1/35.4 | |
Divine super defence potion(4) | 10 | 1/35.4 | |
Divine super strength potion(4) | 10 | 1/35.4 | |
Divine ranging potion(4) | 10 | 1/35.4 | |
Divine magic potion(4) | 10 | 1/35.4 |
Item Name | Quantity | Rarity | |
Coins | 750,000-1,500,000 | 1/80.6 | |
Crystal shard | 10-15 | 1/80.6 | |
Cannonballs | 2,500-5,000 | 1/80.6 | |
Death rune | 250-500 | 1/80.6 | |
Blood rune | 250-500 | 1/80.6 | |
Soul rune | 250-500 | 1/80.6 | |
Dragon platelegs | 2-3 | 1/80.6 | |
Battlestaff | 50-75 | 1/80.6 | |
Fire orb | 50 | 1/80.6 | |
Air orb | 50 | 1/80.6 | |
Black dragonhide | 30-40 | 1/80.6 | |
Royal dragonhide | 30-40 | 1/80.6 | |
Rune bar | 30-40 | 1/80.6 | |
Runite ore | 30-40 | 1/80.6 | |
Uncut diamond | 30-40 | 1/80.6 | |
Magic seed 5 | 1-2 | 1/80.6 | |
Mahogany plank | 250 | 1/80.6 | |
Divine bastion potion(4) | 10 | 1/80.6 | |
Divine battlemage potion(4) | 10 | 1/80.6 | |
File:Divine combat potion(4).png | Divine combat potion(4) | 10 | 1/80.6 |
Prayer renewal (4) | 10 | 1/80.6 | |
Super prayer (4) | 10 | 1/80.6 |
Item Name | Quantity | Rarity | |
Coins | 1,500,000-2,000,000 | 1/99 | |
Crystal shard | 15-20 | 1/99 | |
Dragon arrow 5 | 750-1,000 | 1/99 | |
Dragon dart | 750-1,000 | 1/99 | |
Dragon full helm | 1 | 1/99 | |
Dragon platebody | 1 | 1/99 | |
Dragon platelegs | 1 | 1/99 | |
Dragon gauntlets | 1 | 1/99 | |
Dragon boots | 1 | 1/99 |
Item Name | Quantity | Rarity | |
Uncut onyx | 1 | 1/198 | |
Crystal weapon seed | 1 | 1/198 | |
Crystal tool seed | 1 | 1/198 |
Item Name | Quantity | Rarity | |
Coins | 50,000-100,000 | 1/198 | |
Crystal shard | 1-2 | 1/198 | |
Coins | 100,000-200,000 | 1/198 | |
File:Tooth half of a key.png | Tooth half of a key | 1 | 1/198 |
File:Loop half of a key.png | Loop half of a key | 1 | 1/198 |
Crystal key | 1 | 1/198 |