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Prayers are unlocked as the level in the skill goes up, which are used to aid the player in combat. The prayers can help with Attack, Defence, Strength, Ranged, Magic, and Hitpoints, among other uses. When prayers are activated, they drain the player's prayer points until the prayer is turned off or all prayer points are used.


Wilderness Altar

Offering bones at the altar within the Chaos Temple in the Wilderness is a slightly slower but a much cheaper alternative to the gilded altar.

The temple is located in level 38 Wilderness, in a multi-combat area, so great caution must be exercised while employing this training method.

The temple has an altar which grants the same experience as a gilded altar with two burners lit, but also gives a 50% chance for the bone not to be consumed.

This effectively doubles the amount of experience received per bone, as each bone that is saved once, can be saved again and again.

You can get to the Chaos Altar easily by teleporting to the Lava Maze via the Nexus, and then running west.

You can either take noted bones, and un-note them with Elder Chaos Druid outside of the temple, or you can take an inventory of un-noted bones, and then die to the Chaos Fanatic to bank.

Player Owned House Altar

These altars function the same as OSRS, and to get the maximum XP boost, you will need a gilded altar with two burners lit (burner type does not matter).

Training with a pack yak is recommended as you can take two inventories of bones each time you enter your home.

You can quickly bank by typing ;;home, refilling your inventory, and running south back to the POH portal, or using a POH teleport tab (purchased from Ramocean in the Hosidius House).

Skeletal Horror

The guide for the Skeletal Horror can be found here, this mini-boss gives prayer (and slayer) experience when killed, and also drops noted bones.