Slayer Resource Crate

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Revision as of 08:53, 14 March 2022 by Rainbow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "frameless '''Slayer resource crates''' are obtained from killing monsters while on a Slayer task. They can be opened and contain a variety of items like coins, potions, skilling supplies, and the Vecna Skull. Any monster killed while on a Slayer task has a 1/128 chance of dropping a slayer resource crate, or a 1/64 chance if you have a Ring of Wealth/Ring of Wealth (i) equipped. ==Possible Loot== {| class="wikitable sortable" id=...")
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Slayer Resource Crate.png

Slayer resource crates are obtained from killing monsters while on a Slayer task. They can be opened and contain a variety of items like coins, potions, skilling supplies, and the Vecna Skull. Any monster killed while on a Slayer task has a 1/128 chance of dropping a slayer resource crate, or a 1/64 chance if you have a Ring of Wealth/Ring of Wealth (i) equipped.

Possible Loot

Item Name Quantity Rarity
Coins 250,000-500,000 1/11
Crystal Key 2-5 1/18.33
Super Restore (4) 10 1/27.5
Saradomin Brew (4) 10 1/27.5
Extreme Attack (4) 5 1/27.5
Extreme Strength (4) 5 1/27.5
Extreme Defence (4) 5 1/27.5
Extreme Magic (4) 5 1/27.5
Extreme Ranging (4) 5 1/27.5
Yew Logs 75-100 1/27.5
Magic Logs 50-75 1/27.5
Redwood Logs 25-50 1/27.5
Teak Logs 150 1/27.5
Mahogany Logs 100 1/27.5
Raw Shark 75-100 1/27.5
Raw Sea Turtle 50-75 1/27.5
Raw Manta Ray 25-50 1/27.5
Mithril Bar 75-100 1/27.5
Adamant Bar 50-75 1/27.5
Rune Bar 25-50 1/27.5
Water Orb 50 1/27.5
Earth Orb 50 1/27.5
Fire Orb 50 1/27.5
Air Orb 50 1/27.5
Soft Clay 250 1/27.5
Vecna Skull 1 1/55