Sorceress's Garden

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The Sorceress's Garden is a Thieving Thieving / Farming Farming minigame located in Al-Kharid. In it, players attempt to sneak past guards in order to steal sq'irk fruit to make sq'irkjuice, or herbs from the garden.

How to Get There

1. Use the Portal Nexus, north of Home
2. Select Minigames category
3. Select the Skilling Minigames section
4. Choose Sorceress's Garden (1st page)

  • (or search for "Sorceress' Garden")

After that, right-click on the Sorceress and select the "Teleport" option.

The Gardens

Surrounding the central garden are four seasonal gardens, each of which has a Sq'irk tree:

  • Thieving 1 Thieving: The Winter garden has a tree with withered fruits. (RECOMMENDED FOR SET)
  • Thieving 25 Thieving: The Spring garden has a tree with nearly-ripe fruits.
  • Thieving 45 Thieving: The Autumn garden has a tree with over-ripe fruits.
  • Thieving 65 Thieving: The Summer garden has a tree with perfectly ripe fruits.

Garden Walkthrough

Caption text
Header text
Summer Garden.png
Winter garden.png
Spring garden.png
|| Example


  • The elementals can only "see" and teleport the player when there are two or less squares between them and the player.