Bow of faerdhinen

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Bow of Faerdhinen
Bow of faerdhinen.png
Type Weapon
Slot Two-handed
Attack Bonuses
Stab 0
Slash 0
Crush 0
Magic 0
Ranged 128
Defence Bonuses
Stab 0
Slash 0
Crush 0
Magic 0
Ranged 0
Other Bonuses
Strength 0
Ranged Strength 106
Magic Damage 0%
Prayer 0

The Bow of faerdhinen is a powerful crystal bow, created from an Enhanced Crystal Weapon seed which is a rare drop from The Gauntlet. It's creation requires the seed and 100 crystal shards. The process requires 82 Crafting & 82 Smithing. To wield the bow, 80 Ranged and 70 Agility is required.

It does not require arrows to fire, but is charged with Crystal Shards. It can be corrupted, giving it unlimited charges for a cost of 2,000 Crystal Shards.

When equipped with Crystal armour, it gains up to +15% damage and 30% accuracy with all three pieces equipped. These are the Crystal helm, Crystal body and Crystal legs.

It's main draw is it's accuracy and consistency, making it outshine a Blowpipe and Twisted bow against certain targets with higher ranged defence.