Harmonized boots

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Harmonized boots
Harmonized boots.png
Type Boots
Slot Feet
Attack Bonuses
Stab +2
Slash +2
Crush +2
Magic +8
Ranged +12
Defence Bonuses
Stab +22
Slash +22
Crush +22
Magic +8
Ranged +8
Other Bonuses
Strength +5
Ranged Strength +1
Magic Damage +1%
Prayer 2

Harmonized boots are a pair of best in slot footwear on Zeah, providing stats for all three combat styles and reasonable defence.


To create the Harmonized boots, you will need Primordial boots, Pegasian boots, Eternal boots, Aranea boots and Harmonized Gem 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Once you've obtained these items, simply use them on each other with all pieces in your inventory.

Primordial, Pegasian and Eternal boots can be obtained through Cerberus and Aranea boots from Araxytes.

The Harmonized Gems drop from the Colossal versions of Kree Arra, General Graardor, K'ril Tsutsaroth, Commander Zilyana and Jad.