Last Recall
Last Recall is a permanent Gold Relic costing 10,000 achievement points to purchase. After purchasing this relic you will receive a Crystal of memories
which in terms works as a portable version of the Zeah Teleportation Nexus, aka Teleport Nexus or Nexus with unlimited use and no cooldowns. The Crystal of memories also remembers the last location you teleported from (excludes instances) and can instantly teleport you back to that location and has a 5 minute cooldown after use. Last Recall is one of the best quality of life purchases you can make on your account in Zeah as it will save you time from having to teleport home and running to the Zeah Teleportation Nexus. An example of time saving would be farm runs, instead of having to teleport home or using ::home and running to the nexus, you can simply right click on the Crystal of memories and teleport to your desired location.