Smithing is a production skill through which players create a wide variety of metal items from ore and metal bars. It is the companion skill of Mining, which generates raw materials used in Smithing. Ores acquired from Mining are smelted into metal bars at furnaces, and then hammered into items at anvils. Many smithable items are useful in combat, quests, and the training of a number of other skills such as Crafting and Fletching.
The Engineer silver relic, should be purchased prior to smelting, as it will halve the amount of coal a player needs to make bars.
- The Coal Bag can be purchased from the Dungeoneering Rewards shop, or from the Web Store. The amount of coal that can be stored in the coal bag will increase with donator rank.
- Smelting should be done at the Lovakengj House, as the furnace is a few steps from the bank.
- If a coal bag is not being used, the player should utilize a preset to automatically reload their inventory.
- Smelting gold ore with gold smithing gauntlets (can be purchased from the vote shop) is a very cheap and AFK way to train smithing, and can be started at level 40.
- Smelting cannonballs is an AFK and profitable way of training smithing (albeit slow), as Perry sells noted steel bars for a low price.
Anvil Smithing
- Anvil smithing should also be trained at the Lovakengj House, as the anvil is a few steps from the bank.
- It is recommended to make dart tips, as these can then be fletched into darts to train fletching and are also needed for several tasks.
- The best two options for anvil smithing will be darts (to use for fletching and tasks) or plate bodies, as plate bodies require the most bars, and give the most XP/hr.
- Bronze, iron, and steel bars can be purchased from Perry at the Hosidius House.
- Attending Nex events is a very good source of acquiring Rune Bars, as she frequently drops them in quantities of 80.
Smithing Level | Bar | Base XP | Ironmen/Master XP | GIM XP | Normal XP | Acquisition | |
1 | Bronze | 12.5 | 125 | 250 | 500 | Perry in the Hosidius House sells these | |
15 | Iron | 25 | 250 | 500 | 1000 | Perry in the Hosidius House sells these | |
30 | Steel | 37.5 | 375 | 750 | 1500 | Perry in the Hosidius House sells these | |
50 | Mithril | 50 | 500 | 1000 | 2000 | Gargoyle, Zalcano, Dust Devil | |
70 | Adamant | 62.5 | 625 | 1250 | 2500 | Zulrah, Zalcano, Adamant Dragons, Revenants | |
85 | Rune | 75 | 750 | 1500 | 3000 | Zalcano, Skotizo, Crystal chest, Larran's big chest |
- Boilers are in the Lava Flow Mine minigame teleport.
- They occasionally break, anywhere between 30 seconds to 10 minutes. Only one boiler can be broken at a time.
- They require between 70-90 smithing to repair, and give roughly the same XP as a small lamp.
- This is a good passive way to train smithing once you have made it into the 80s, as you will be able to repair most of the boilers that break.
Training Smithing
Level 1 to 15
From level 1 to 15 smithing you will be smelting Bronze bars. These can be smelted through the combination of 1 tin ore and 1 copper ore into a furnace.
After the Bronze bars are created, you can then use them on an anvil to create Bronze Platebodies. Each Platebody requires 5 bronze bars.
Level 15 to 40
From level 15 to 40 smithing you will be smelting Iron bars. These can be smelted by consuming 1 iron ore into a furnace. At level 15, Iron bars have a 50% chance to succesfully smelt.
After the Iron bars are created, you can then use them on an anvil to create Bronze Platebodies. Each Platebody requires 5 Iron bars.
Level 40 to 99
From level 40 to 99 Smithing you will be smelting gold bars. The best location to do this is in the Platinum+ level of the donator zone.
Gold bars are only the fastest Smithing XP if you have Goldsmith Gauntlets. These gauntlets can be purchased in the vote shop for 25 Vote Tickets.
Level 73 to 99 (Passive)
In the Lava Flow Mine, boilers often break and need to be repaired. Repairing these boilers grants an absurd amount of XP that varies per boiler. When you are training with your Gold Bars to 99, it is advised to occasionally check in on the Lava Flow Mine to see if there's any boilers you are able to repair.
Gold Bar Alternative
If you do not have Goldsmith Gauntlets, and are unwilling to make the purchase, your best option for training Smithing is to create the highest level item from the highest level bar you can currently smelt. See the table under the Smelting tab for more info on the hierarchy of bars.