Swift gloves

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Swift gloves
Swift gloves.png
Type Gloves
Slot Hands
Attack Bonuses
Stab 0
Slash 2
Crush 2
Magic 2
Ranged 15
Defence Bonuses
Stab 2
Slash 2
Crush 2
Magic 3
Ranged 15
Other Bonuses
Strength 0
Ranged Strength 0
Magic Damage 0%
Prayer 0

Swift gloves provide modest ranged bonuses but their main draw is providing the chance to fire two shots at once. Combined with the Quick Shot relic, these have potential to outweigh any gloves with a higher ranged bonus.

Swift gloves can be obtained from the Reaper store for 75 reaper points, as a drop from Larrans chest and Nomad, and a pack of 3 can be purchased from the Zeah store for 2,500 Zeah coins.

The gloves perform identically regardless of their colour as there are various types in the game.

The gloves degrade over time and the state can be checked by right clicking them.