Torva full helm

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Sanguine Torva full helm
Sanguine Torva full helm.png
Type Helmet
Slot Head
Attack Bonuses
Stab 5
Slash 5
Crush 5
Magic -7
Ranged -3
Defence Bonuses
Stab 68
Slash 73
Crush 65
Magic -2
Ranged 74
Other Bonuses
Strength 7
Ranged Strength 0
Magic Damage 0%
Prayer 1
Torva full helm
Torva full helm.png
Type Helmet
Slot Head
Attack Bonuses
Stab 0
Slash 0
Crush 0
Magic -7
Ranged -3
Defence Bonuses
Stab 68
Slash 73
Crush 65
Magic -2
Ranged 74
Other Bonuses
Strength 5
Ranged Strength 0
Magic Damage 0%
Prayer 1

The Torva full helm is a powerful late-game melee helmet dropped by Nex. It provides high defensive stats and strength bonuses, making it a top choice for melee combat. Like other Torva gear, it degrades with use and can be repaired by Bob upstairs at ;;shops for a fee in coins.

Sanguine Torva full helm

The Sanguine Torva full helm is an enhanced version of the Torva full helm, created by using an Ancient Blood Ornament Kit on the original piece. This kit, obtained from Theatre of Blood (Hard Mode), gives the helm a darker appearance and boosts its offensive melee stats.

Additionally, Sanguine Torva does not degrade.