Torva platebody

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Sanguine Torva platebody
Sanguine Torva platebody.png
Type Body armour
Slot Body
Attack Bonuses
Stab 5
Slash 5
Crush 5
Magic -31
Ranged -11
Defence Bonuses
Stab 156
Slash 140
Crush 120
Magic -10
Ranged 160
Other Bonuses
Strength 7
Ranged Strength 0
Magic Damage 0%
Prayer 1
Torva platebody
Torva platebody.png
Type Body armour
Slot Body
Attack Bonuses
Stab 0
Slash 0
Crush 0
Magic -31
Ranged -11
Defence Bonuses
Stab 156
Slash 140
Crush 120
Magic -10
Ranged 160
Other Bonuses
Strength 5
Ranged Strength 0
Magic Damage 0%
Prayer 1

The Torva platebody is a late-game melee chestplate obtained as a rare drop from Nex. It offers exceptional defensive stats, along with a slight strength bonus. Over time, the platebody degrades and requires repairs, which can be done by Bob at ;;shops in exchange for coins.

Sanguine Torva platebody

The Sanguine Torva platebody is an upgraded variant of the Torva platebody, requiring an Ancient Blood Ornament Kit from Theatre of Blood (Hard Mode). This upgrade improves its melee attack bonuses while maintaining its excellent defensive capabilities.

Additionally, Sanguine Torva does not degrade.