Update Log - 04 March 2023

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Bug Fixes

  • Remove Akrisae jr. from all pets.
  • Add check for bh weapon (reaper shop) if player is an ironman when opening achievement interface to progress master task.
  • Move slayer ring creation to a new method, fixes gold smithing.
  • Fixed abyssal demons in wilderness not counting for krystilia tasks.
  • Fixed revs not counting on task.
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn't allow you to deposit 2 herb sacks.
  • Fixed rev dragons not counting for black dragon task from Krystilia.
  • Fixed Casket grandmaster completed status (triggers on achievement interface opening).
  • QBD kills not counting toward black dragons task.
  • Check if herb sack is already owned for task. (triggers on achievement interface opening).
  • Fixed Casket grandmaster task not requiring 1k progress.
  • Fixed checks for colored slayer helms and colored slayer helms (i).
  • Fixed Uri options when talking to npc.