Nefarious gloves

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Nefarious Gloves
Nefarious gloves.png
Type Gloves
Slot Hands
Attack Bonuses
Stab +20
Slash +20
Crush +20
Magic +15
Ranged +20
Defence Bonuses
Stab +8
Slash +8
Crush +8
Magic +5
Ranged +8
Other Bonuses
Strength +16
Ranged Strength +3
Magic Damage +7%
Prayer +3
Nefarious gloves.png
Type Gloves
Slot Hands
Attack Bonuses
Stab +16
Slash +16
Crush +16
Magic +10
Ranged +18
Defence Bonuses
Stab +8
Slash +8
Crush +8
Magic +5
Ranged +8
Other Bonuses
Strength +14
Ranged Strength +2
Magic Damage +5%
Prayer +2

Nefarious gloves are a best in slot tribrid glove on Zeah. They provide large stat bonuses in every combat style. On top of this, they also have a corruption damage over time effect.

Roughly every 8 ticks the gloves will deal 12 corruption damage to your target. The gloves require Corrupting essence to charge them and receive this benefit and their full stats.

To create the gloves, you must have a Nefarious thread which is a rare drop from the Corrupted Trio. The thread can then be combined with Ferocious gloves, Zaryte vambraces and Tormented bracelet (or).