Helpful Spirit

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The Helpful Spirit will appear to you twice during your Tombs of Amascut run. Once after completing any two paths, and again after completing the other two before you move on to The Wardens.

The Helpful Spirit will offer you a choice of consumables between three categories.

The quanitity of items received will be affected by the Need Some/Less/No Help? invocations.

Bundle Contents
Life Supportive bundle, consisting of Nectar.pngNectar, Tears of elidinis.pngTears of elidinis, Silk dressing.pngSilk dressing, Blessed crystal scarab.pngBlessed crystal scarab, and Ambrosia.pngAmbrosia.
Chaos Mixed bundle, consisting of a subset of Nectar.pngNectar, Tears of elidinis.pngTears of elidinis, Smelling salts.pngSmelling salts, Ambrosia.pngAmbrosia, and Liquid adrenaline.pngLiquid adrenaline.
Power High-burst bundle, consisting of Smelling salts.pngSmelling salts and Liquid adrenaline.pngLiquid adrenaline.

Item Effect
Honey locust.png Honey locust Stacks in the inventory. Heals 20 Hitpoints (can overheal), and restores prayer points equal to a dose of prayer potion. Automatically given during wipes, unless the "On a Diet" invocation is enabled.
Ambrosia.png Ambrosia Has 2 doses. Fully restores hitpoints, prayer points and run energy, and acts as a dose of antidote++. Can not be consumed if the "Dehydration" invocation is enabled.
  • Hitpoints are fully restored, then boosted by up to 26 at 99 Hitpoints.
  • Prayer points are fully restored, then boosted by up to 24 at 99 Prayer.
Blessed crystal scarab.png Blessed crystal scarab Has 2 uses. Restores 8 Prayer points every 4 ticks (2.4 seconds), 9 times.

This yields a total restoration of 72 Prayer points over the course of 40 ticks (24 seconds).

Liquid adrenaline.png Liquid adrenaline Has 2 doses. Halves special attack costs for the next 150 seconds.
Nectar.png Nectar Has 4 doses. Heals Hitpoints (can overheal), and drains Attack, Strength, Defence, Ranged, and Magic, similar to a Saradomin Brew. Can not be consumed if the "Dehydration" invocation is enabled.
Silk dressing.png Silk dressing Has 2 uses. Heals 5 hitpoints every 5 ticks (3 seconds), 20 times.

This yields a total restoration of 100 hitpoints over the course of 100 ticks (60 seconds). Not provided if the "On a Diet" invocation is enabled.

Smelling salts.png Smelling salts Has 2 uses. Restores run energy by 25% and boosts Attack, Strength, Defence, Ranged, and Magic. At level 99 this will be a +26 boost.

The combat boost is refreshed every 15 seconds for 8 minutes.

Tears of elidinis.png Tears of elidinis Has 4 doses. Restores combat stats and prayer points similarly to a Super Restore.