Helpful Spirit

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The Helpful Spirit will appear to you twice during your Tombs of Amascut run. Once after completing any two paths, and again after completing the other two before you move on to The Wardens.

The Helpful Spirit will offer you a choice of consumables between three categories.

The quanitity of items received will be affected by the Need Some/Less/No Help? invocations.

Bundle Contents
Life Supportive bundle, consisting of Nectar.pngNectar, Tears of elidinis.pngTears of elidinis, Silk dressing.pngSilk dressing, Blessed crystal scarab.pngBlessed crystal scarab, and Ambrosia.pngAmbrosia.
Chaos Mixed bundle, consisting of a subset of Nectar.pngNectar, Tears of elidinis.pngTears of elidinis, Smelling salts.pngSmelling salts, Ambrosia.pngAmbrosia, and Liquid adrenaline.pngLiquid adrenaline.
Power High-burst bundle, consisting of Smelling salts.pngSmelling salts and Liquid adrenaline.pngLiquid adrenaline.