Chambers of Xeric

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The Chambers of Xeric was the first Raid introduced into Old School Runescape that is composed of various puzzle rooms, monsters, and boss rooms. The difficulty of the raid is scaled by the number of players and combat levels. So the higher the combat level of the team is, the stronger the enemies will be.

A group of players fighting the Great Olm.

Recommened Stats

  • Defence 90+ Defence
  • Strength 90+ Strength
  • Attack 90+ Attack
  • Ranged 90+ Range
  • Magic 90+ Magic
  • Skills 90+ Hitpoints
  • Woodcutting 70+ Woodcutting
  • Farming 55+ not needed if another team member does the farming
  • Herblore 78+ not needed if another team member prepares the potions. It is recommended that at least one team member has Herblore 90+ to make Overload+
  • Prayer 70+ with Piety unlocked. Prayer 74+ and unlocking Rigour as well as Prayer 77+ and unlocking Augury will also give improvements


OSRS mode

Chambers of Xeric Osrs/Normal mode

To start a raid, the leader must create a team. This team is the leader's 'friend chat'; which other players may join by manually typing in the channel's name.

There are two floors in a normal raid composed of puzzles/bosses and the final battle. One floor is composed of Tekton, Jewelled Crabs, Scavenger beasts, Ice demon, Lizardman shamans, and a resource room to make supplies. The second and final floor houses the final battle with the Great Olm.

Challenge Mode

Chambers of Xeric/Challenge Mode

Challenge Mode is a full raid version of the existing normal Chambers of Xeric. All combat and puzzle rooms are featured and the enemies themselves have significantly increased stats. The layout of each floor is consistent throughout all Challenge modes. Challenge mode is the only way to obtain a metamorphic dust to reskin an olmlet.