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While this makes the raid harder, it increases the quantity of standard loot and also increases your chance of rolling unique items.
While this makes the raid harder, it increases the quantity of standard loot and also increases your chance of rolling unique items.
{| class="wikitable sortable sticky-header align-center-1" style="text-align:left;"
! colspan="2" style="width: 15%" | Invocation
! class="unsortable" style="width: 70%" | Details
! style="width: 7%" | Raid lvl modifier
! style="width: 8%" | Category
| data-sort-value="Try Again" | [[File:Invocations - attempts icon.png|link=]]
|Try Again
|Players have ten attempts to complete a raid.
An attempt is failed if the team wipes during a challenge, but if the team wipes just as the challenge is completed, it will not count as a fail.
''Only one invocation in the Attempts category can be active.''
| +5
| data-sort-value="Persistence" | [[File:Invocations - attempts icon.png|link=]]
|Players have five attempts to complete a raid.
| +10
| data-sort-value="Softcore Run" | [[File:Invocations - attempts icon.png|link=]]
|Softcore Run
|Players have three attempts to complete a raid.
| +15
| data-sort-value="Hardcore Run" | [[File:Invocations - attempts icon.png|link=]]
|Hardcore Run
|Players have one attempt to complete a raid.
| +25
| data-sort-value="Walk for It" | [[File:Invocations - time limit icon.png|link=]]
|Walk for It
|Players have 40 minutes to complete the raid, including time spent between each Path.
If unsuccessful, the raid level will decrease by 20.
''(The timer begins upon entering the first Path and ends when the Warden reaches 0 health in the final phase of the fight.)''
''Only one invocation in the Time Limit category can be active.''
| +10
|Time Limit
| data-sort-value="Jog for It" | [[File:Invocations - time limit icon.png|link=]]
|Jog for It
|Players have 35 minutes to complete the raid.
If unsuccessful, the raid level will decrease by 30.
| +15
|Time Limit
| data-sort-value="Run for It" | [[File:Invocations - time limit icon.png|link=]]
|Run for It
|Players have 30 minutes to complete the raid.
If unsuccessful, the raid level will decrease by 40.
| +20
|Time Limit
| data-sort-value="Sprint for It" | [[File:Invocations - time limit icon.png|link=]]
|Sprint for It
|Players have 25 minutes to complete the raid.
If unsuccessful, the raid level will decrease by 50.
| +25
|Time Limit
| data-sort-value="Need Some Help?" | [[File:Invocations - helpful spirit icon.png|link=]]
|Need Some Help?
|The quantity of items offered by the [[Helpful Spirit]] will be reduced to 66%, with a minimum of one supply of that type.
Despite the name, the reduction may or may not occur - e.g it's still possible to get an unaffected Power option (2 salt + 1 adrenaline) but has a chance of being reduced (1 salt + adrenaline)
''Only one invocation in the Helpful Spirit category can be active.''
| +15
|Helpful Spirit
| data-sort-value="Need Less Help?" | [[File:Invocations - helpful spirit icon.png|link=]]
|Need Less Help?
|The quantity of items offered by the Helpful Spirit will be reduced to 33%, with a minimum of one supply of that type.
| +25
|Helpful Spirit
| data-sort-value="No Help Needed" | [[File:Invocations - helpful spirit icon.png|link=]]
|No Help Needed
|The quantity of items offered by the helpful spirit will be reduced to 10%, with a minimum of one supply of that type.
| +40
|Helpful Spirit
| data-sort-value="Walk the Path" | [[File:Invocations - Walk the Path icon.png|link=]]
|Walk the Path
|Completing a path during the raid can cause other paths to level up. Four level ups are given per raid, although the path they are given to are random.{{CiteTwitter|author=Mod Ash|url=https://twitter.com/JagexAsh/status/1722239010842751000|date=8 November 2023|archiveurl=https://archive.is/UHaKo|archivedate=13 November 2023|quote=[Hey mod Ash, do you know if the odds of room level ups with "Walk the Path" on at ToA is equal for each room? (...)] Looks random without bias, as far as I can see from my colleagues' code.}} Completing the first path randomly adds levels to two other paths; the second adds a level to one of the other two paths, and then the third path adds another level to the final path.
The first path level will modify most enemy hitpoints and damage by +8%, with every additional level modifying these stats by +5%, up to six levels. Furthermore, every two path levels changes each path's boss mechanics, capping at four path levels:
* Akkha: Every two levels adds one additional iteration to his Memory Blast attack and increases damage from the white orbs in enrage phase.
* Ba-Ba: Her Rockfall attack will fall much quicker, and energy blasts from open sarcophagi will have a wider range of attack. The boulders that spawn also have their health increased.
* Kephri: Her auto-attacks will be faster. In addition, groups of three [[Scarab Swarm (Tombs of Amascut)|scarab swarms]] may spawn during the shield charging phase.
* Zebak: His auto-attacks will be faster, even more so during his enrage phase. In addition, every two levels will also tighten the Tidal Waves' gap by 1 tile.
When an uncompleted path is leveled up, a message will appear in the game box stating {{mes|You hear a mysterious rumbling coming from the Path of [Menaphite Pantheon god].}}
| +50
| data-sort-value="Pathseeker" | [[File:Invocations - path level up icon.png|link=]]
|All paths will level up once upon entering the raid.
''Only one invocation in the Path Level category can be active.''
| +15
|Path Level
| data-sort-value="Pathfinder" | [[File:Invocations - path level up icon.png|link=]]
|All paths will level up twice upon entering the raid.
| +40
|Path Level
| data-sort-value="Pathmaster" | [[File:Invocations - path level up icon.png|link=]]
|All paths will level up three times upon entering the raid.
| +50
|Path Level
| data-sort-value="Quiet Prayers" | [[File:Invocations - prayer effectiveness icon.png|link=]]
|Quiet Prayers
|Protection prayers will be 10% less effective within the raid.
| +20
| data-sort-value="Deadly Prayers" | [[File:Invocations - prayer effectiveness icon.png|link=]]
|Deadly Prayers
|Prayer is drained by 20% of damage taken.
| +20
| data-sort-value="On a Diet" | [[File:Invocations - On a Diet icon.png|link=]]
|On a Diet
|Players can no longer eat food within the raid, though potions that restore health (such as [[Saradomin brew]]s) can still be used.
Players will also no longer be offered [[silk dressing]]s and [[honey locust]]s should this invocation be active.
| +15
| data-sort-value="Dehydration" | [[File:Invocations - Dehydration icon.png|link=]]
|Players can no longer drink potions that restore health.
| +30
| data-sort-value="Overly Draining" | [[File:Invocations - Overly Draining icon.png|link=]]
|Overly Draining
|All [[special attacks]] use 100% special attack energy.
Drinking [[liquid adrenaline]] will temporarily reduce the cost to 50%.
| +15
| data-sort-value="Lively Larvae" | [[File:Kephri icon.png|link=]]
|Lively Larvae
|The number of dark brown eggs launched during Kephri's Mass Incubation attack will increase from 2 to 4.
| +5
| data-sort-value="More Overlords" | [[File:Kephri icon.png|link=]]
|More Overlords
|An additional scarab is summoned during Kephri's shield healing phases. The first summons a [[Soldier Scarab]], while the second summons a [[Spitting Scarab]].
| +15
| data-sort-value="Blowing Mud" | [[File:Kephri icon.png|link=]]
|Blowing Mud
|The number of players targeted by Kephri's Dung Strike attack is increased to two.
This invocation has no effect in solo encounters.
| +10
| data-sort-value="Medic!" | [[File:Kephri icon.png|link=]]
|Kephri will summon [[Scarab Swarm (Tombs of Amascut)|scarab swarms]] outside her shield healing phases. These swarms move 50% slower.
| +15
| data-sort-value="Aerial Assault" | [[File:Kephri icon.png|link=]]
|Aerial Assault
|Kephri's auto-attack will do more damage, and its attack range will increase from a single tile to a 3x3 area.
This invocation also applies to the Bomber Scarabs that appear during the shield healing phase and [[Kephri's Phantom]] during the third phase of the fight with [[Elidinis' Warden]].
| +10
| data-sort-value="Not Just a Head" | [[File:Zebak icon.png|link=]]
|Not Just a Head
* Zebak will occasionally cast a form of [[Blood Blitz]] on all players, causing one of two effects:
** Blood Blitz will attack as normal, always hitting regardless of the player's defence bonuses for 8-11 damage, healing roughly ~66% of that amount. If players are clumped, the damage is increased and will splash onto them.
** Summons a [[Blood Cloud]] that chases after players. It will take damage upon spawning but will heal if it makes contact with a player, dealing rapid but light damage.
| +15
| data-sort-value="Arterial Spray" | [[File:Zebak icon.png|link=]]
|Arterial Spray
|Zebak's blood magic will have increased range and healing.
Not Just a Head must be active in order to activate this invocation.
| +10
| data-sort-value="Blood Thinners" | [[File:Zebak icon.png|link=]]
|Blood Thinners
|Three [[Blood Cloud]]s are summoned instead of one.
Not Just a Head must be active in order to activate this invocation.
| +5
| data-sort-value="Upset Stomach" | [[File:Zebak icon.png|link=]]
|Upset Stomach
|Zebak's acid pools will have their spread increased from 3x3 to 5x5 and the jugs will have their water reduced from 5x5 to 3x3.
| +15
| data-sort-value="Double Trouble" | [[File:Akkha icon.png|link=]]
|Double Trouble
|Akkha will perform two special attacks at once.
| +20
| data-sort-value="Keep Back" | [[File:Akkha icon.png|link=]]
|Keep Back
|Akkha will use melee alongside his ranged and magic attacks, which lands just before the projectile attack with no animation.
| +10
| data-sort-value="Stay Vigilant" | [[File:Akkha icon.png|link=]]
|Stay Vigilant
|Akkha will randomly swap between attack styles and protection prayers rather than at set intervals.
This invocation also applies to [[Akkha's Phantom]] during the third phase of the fight with [[Elidinis' Warden]].
| +15
| data-sort-value="Feeling Special?" | [[File:Akkha icon.png|link=]]
|Feeling Special?
* Akkha's Detonate attack will trigger in more directions. This is not applied in solo encounters.
* The Memory Blast attack will only provide two [[ticks]] for players to move between safe quadrants.
* The Trailing Orbs attack spawns an additional orb in front of the player.
| +20
| data-sort-value="Mind the Gap!" | [[File:Ba-Ba icon.png|link=]]
|Mind the Gap!
|When Ba-Ba knocks back the player to the bottom of the room at 66% and 33% health, players will fall into the pit and die, unless they stand at the northern/southern sides of the room.
| +10
| data-sort-value="Gotta Have Faith" | [[File:Ba-Ba icon.png|link=]]
|Gotta Have Faith
|Energy blasts from open sarcophagi in Ba-Ba's room will deal additional damage based on the player's remaining [[prayer points]].
| +10
| data-sort-value="Jungle Japes" | [[File:Ba-Ba icon.png|link=]]
|Jungle Japes
|Ba-Ba's [[baboon]]s will drop a [[banana peel]] on the floor on death. If stepped on, players take a small amount of damage and are stunned for 3 seconds.
| +5
| data-sort-value="Shaking Things Up" | [[File:Ba-Ba icon.png|link=]]
|Shaking Things Up
|The shockwave from Ba-Ba's slam attack will damage from a 3x3 (+1 tile to the north/west/east/south) to 5x5 (+1 tile to the north/west/east/south).
| +10
| data-sort-value="Boulderdash" | [[File:Ba-Ba icon.png|link=]]
|Ba-Ba's rolling boulders spawn twice as fast.
| +10
| data-sort-value="Ancient Haste" | [[File:Tumeken's Warden icon.png|link=]]
|Ancient Haste
|During the first phase of the Wardens' fight, the Wardens will charge at a faster rate.
| +10
|The Wardens
| data-sort-value="Acceleration" | [[File:Tumeken's Warden icon.png|link=]]
|During the second phase of the Wardens' fight, the Warden attacks faster while the obelisk charges faster.
| +10
|The Wardens
| data-sort-value="Penetration" | [[File:Tumeken's Warden icon.png|link=]]
|During the second phase of the Wardens' fight, the obelisk will deal more damage to successful attacks and also temporarily disable overhead prayers.
| +10
|The Wardens
| data-sort-value="Overclocked" | [[File:Tumeken's Warden icon.png|link=]]
|During the final phase of the Wardens' fight, the slam attack is performed 1 [[tick]] faster.
| +10
|The Wardens
| data-sort-value="Overclocked 2" | [[File:Tumeken's Warden icon.png|link=]]
|{{nowrap|Overclocked 2}}
|During the final phase of the Wardens' fight, the slam attack is performed 2 [[tick]]s faster.
''Overclocked must be active in order to activate this invocation.''
| +10
|{{nowrap|The Wardens}}
| data-sort-value="Insanity" | [[File:Tumeken's Warden icon.png|link=]]
|During the final phase of the Wardens' fight, the following are applied:
* The slam attack is performed 3 [[tick]]s faster.
* There is less time to reverse the [[Energy Siphon]]s.
* The slam attack resumes based on where the Warden left off prior to launching Energy Siphons rather than resetting positions.
* Enrage phase:
** Red lightning strikes faster
** Tiles are ripped faster
** Phantom bosses attack faster
''Overclocked 2 must be active in order to activate this invocation.''
| +50
|The Wardens

Revision as of 10:40, 4 March 2025

Tombs of Amascut is a raid consisting of 5 encounters, 4 paths and the final fight. The difficulty can be scaled using the invocation system. The higher your raid level, the more chance you have at lucrative rewards.

Raid Encounters

The paths can be tackled in any order. After clearing the 2nd and 4th paths, a helpful spirit will appear in the lobby and offer you a choice of supplies that can be crucial to your success in the rest of the raid.

Path of Scabaras

Path of Het

Path of Crondis

Path of Apmeken

The Wardens

Recommended Equipment

Upgrade/Downgrade where necessary and consider any Pet Perks or Relics you plan to use.

Melee is primarily used for Ba-ba, Kephri, Akkha, and Warden's core, and most bosses in the raid are weakest to Stab. Hybrid sets from Sunfreet are comparible to God Wars armour and a Bandos Godsword is preferable for defence reduction but Elder Maul and Statius' Warhammer will also work. Due to the Warden's core taking max hits from melee, the dragon dagger is an excellent special weapon to use there.

Ranged is primarily used for Zebak, Akkha, and Wardens. The Twisted bow does well against the Wardens and is the strongest weapon at Zebak. The Toxic blowpipe does well on bosses with lower defence and the various minions, (especially with Masori armour), while the Bow of faerdhinen and Crossbows with ruby bolts can deal with higher HP and defence targets. You may also consider a Venator bow, or using Farsight Decimation for it's special attack or main weapon.


Magic is primarily used for Akkha and Wardens. Even a base Trident of the seas/swamp would be a solid choice if no access to some of the later game weapons.

Auras and Pet Perks

Supreme Poison Purge will be useful during the paths of Scabaras and Apmeken.

Invocations and Difficulty Scaling

Mode Raid Level
Tombs of amascut entry mode.webp Entry Mode 0–149
Tombs of amascut normal mode.webp Normal Mode 150–299
Tombs of amascut expert mode.webp Expert Mode 300–600

Tombs of Amascut's difficulty is customizable. A raid level of 0 is very accessible and can be done in very low gear requirements. This raid level can be altered by using the Invocation System.

For every 5 raid levels, NPC hitpoints, defence, accuracy, and damage are increased by 2%, with damage capping at 150%.

Turning on invocations increases the raid level by a certain amount and also adds a specific mechanical change to the raid itself.

While this makes the raid harder, it increases the quantity of standard loot and also increases your chance of rolling unique items.