House Honor
House Honor is a reputation-type system where players can gain benefits in one of five houses. These benefits are both passive and active. Passive benefits are always in effect, while active benefits are only accessed while your House Aura is equipped and activated. The House Aura lasts 30 minutes after activation, and has a cooldown of 4 hours. Players are only able to reap the benefits of the House they currently occupy and they can only change houses by consuming a House Transfer Ticket, purchasable in the Vote Shop and Donator Store.
House Arceuus specializes in Prayer,
Magic and
Passive benefits:
- Burying bones restores prayer points.
- Craft 20% extra runes while Runecrafting.
- 5% Chance to not consume charms while creating pouches.
Active benefit:
- Runes are unlimited.
House Hosidius specializes in Hitpoints,
Woodcutting and
Passive benefits:
- Natural HP Generation speed is doubled.
- Chance of receiving bird nests increases by 10%.
- +10% chance to not consume potion secondaries.
Active benefit:
- Crops are instantly harvested and noted.
House Lovakengj specializes in Dungeoneering,
Smithing and
Passive benefits:
- Start a dungeon with a random weak skilling potion.
- Repairing equipment requires 25% less GP or materials.
- 10% chance to receive double XP while cutting gems.
Active benefit:
- Mined ore is smelted without the need of coal.
House Piscarilius specializes in Fletching,
Thieving and
Passive benefits:
- 10% chance to double product while fletching ammunition.
- 10% Greater Success Rate while pickpocketing.
- 10% chance to save materials when training construction.
Active benefit:
- Caught fish are automatically cooked.
House Shayzien specializes in Combat,
Agility and
Passive benefits:
- 15% greater chance of spawning a superior encounter.
- 10% greater chance of finding Marks of Grace.
- 10% chance to receive double chinchompas and greenwall loot.
Active benefit:
- All nearby monsters are aggressive.